Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Hormones: 3 Easy Lifestyle Adjustments to Improve Your Mood and Libido

Hormones have a powerful influence on a woman’s partner and her family’s lives. Ultimately, hormones affect how that woman shows up in the world. They elude the best doctors, frustrate the smartest women and completely dumbfound the most caring males. Nearly every female patient, friend and acquaintance has some question or concern about their cycle, ie their hormones.

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Wellness Essentials Charlie Echeverria Wellness Essentials Charlie Echeverria

Finally! An Effective Tool for Preventing and Treating Traveler’s Diarrhea

This past April, my family went to Mexico for spring break. We desperately needed Vitamin D and Sea. It was my 3-year-old son’s first trip to Mexico and although there was plenty to worry about when taking a toddler on vacation, I was most worried about one of us getting a stomach bug.

I travel prepared and brought MegaIgG2000 with us to support our bellies through this adventure.

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Community Spotlight Hope Nartonis Writes Community Spotlight Hope Nartonis Writes

The Secret to a Clean, Nutrient-dense Summer Diet

Eating seasonally and locally is the secret to a clean, nutrient-dense diet. At All Ages Osteopathy, we believe a lot of the diseases and ailments people suffer from are due to poor nutrition.

The dietary principles that my family follows, and that I recommend to my patients at All Ages Osteopathy, is steeped in ancestral principles. Instead of relying on any trend diet or chic food products, I start by asking myself, ‘was this food around 100 years ago?’ If the answer is no, then I don’t eat it. Because our ancestors had significantly less chronic disease, I believe that looking to the past has the answers of what we should be putting into our bodies today. Our ancestors ate seasonally, locally, and whole (non-processed) foods. They didn’t pasteurize their dairy products and they ate the entire animal, not just muscle meat, but organ meat too. They relied heavily on fermented foods for preservation and gut health. They took care to make their grains more digestible by soaking them first.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Acute Back Pain: Cause and Solution

All Ages Osteopathy is different from traditional medical care because we provide easy access to your doctor and hands on treatment for physical discomfort. But still, people come in after a week of excruciating pain and tell us, “I didn't come in sooner because I didn’t want to bother you.” However, there is one problem that prompts people to call me outside of business hours…“My back went out! It’s terrible and I don’t know what to do!”

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Spirit and Medicine Series Part 3: The Oneness of All Things

Once you have felt the Oneness, you know it. And once someone feels it, like really connects with it, they are a changed person. I know I was. I describe the sensation of Oneness as ecstatic bliss, hence the All Ages Osteopathy tagline – ride the tide to ecstatic bliss. Another great description is warm honey. It’s addicting. So much so that I have dedicated my career to helping people discover the Oneness for themselves.

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Community Spotlight Guest Author Community Spotlight Guest Author

How Can Your House Help Your Health?

The people who live in Jackson Hole have an elevated sense of well-being thanks to easy access to clean air, vistas, and forest bathing, but Veronica Schreibeis of Vera Iconica Architecture has taken this health-full lifestyle one step higher with wellness architecture. Her designs are beautifully in alignment with the principle of osteopathy: structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Spirit and Medicine Series Part 2: The Body’s Tide

I view my ability to help others as my life’s greatest gift. To work with the body is a true blessing, because to listen to it, yields mystery. Contacting the mystery gives me purpose. And when I become aligned with my purpose, my soul shines. As my soul connects with the oneness that is all around me, my consciousness shifts, to stillness, to something greater.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare

The new paradigm in healthcare is here: patients are in the driver’s seat of their health journey. Are you driving the car? Or is the car driving you?

This winter has been about deep, pensive reflection for me. The 2-year anniversary of All Ages Osteopathy shifted my focus away from setting new goals towards reflection of the remarkable things I’ve learned since starting my practice. As I’ve come in to my own, it’s clear I need to surrender to the wave of teachings from the community. I can’t count the number of times I’ve delved deep into a subject for one patient, only to have the very next patient directly benefit from the knowledge I gleaned. We are all in sync. This teaching proves to me that the new paradigm in healthcare that is slowly but surely sweeping the nation has landed at AAO. Patients want to be in the driver’s seat of their healthy journey, and I encourage them take the wheel.

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Community Spotlight Guest Author Community Spotlight Guest Author

Returning to the Spirit of Water to Reduce Stress

Water plays a deeply mystical role in the human story, and in the story of the universe itself. It has been told in many creation stories that water was God’s first manifestation — in the ever-expanding quest to understand Itself. Water was created to be the living reflection, and the memory bank of the entire universe that is otherwise known as the Akashic Ocean. To deepen our relationship to water, is to deepen our contemplation of self.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Biodynamic Osteopathy and the Ocean

Your body is an ocean. Spirit in Medicine Series: Part 1

The type of Osteopathy I practice is called Biodynamic or Functional Osteopathy. In this practice, Doctors of Osteopathy commonly use the ocean as an analogy. Since everything in nature has the same basic patterns - contraction/expansion, hot/cold, light/dark, etc. - the movement of the ocean transfers literally and figuratively to osteopathy, especially describing the concepts of energy moving and working in our bodies. Since most of us understand how the ocean works, and the modern English vocabulary simply doesn’t have the words to describe shifts in energy, the ocean analogy facilitates our understanding about the concepts, patterns, and ideas of healing.

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Wellness Essentials Charlie Echeverria Wellness Essentials Charlie Echeverria

Immune Boosting Protocol

Osteopathy is a set of practices and principles designed to bring us back into coherence with nature’s inherent rhythms. When we are sick, this is our body, or nature’s way of telling us that we have fallen out of alignment (resonance, coherence, harmony) with our natural rhythm. Let's examine some of Osteopathy’s core tenants in relation to being sick to aid in getting back to health from whatever acute illness ails you!

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Wellness Essentials RN Kate O’Connell Wellness Essentials RN Kate O’Connell

All Ages Osteopathy’s Favorite Cod Liver Oil

At All Ages Osteopathy, we believe that to maintain health, we must live in tune with the rhythms of nature. Our energetic frequencies are greatly affected by the available light and the current temperatures. It’s still winter! Here in Jackson Hole, the sun doesn’t rise until nearly 8am and sets just after 5pm so although a lot of media we consume revolves around setting and achieving goals, it’s still the time of year to integrate experiences from 2022 and to prioritize rest in anticipation of spring. While all other living plants and animals enter some form of hibernation during this time of year, society has sought to normalize activity levels being consistent throughout the year with unrealistic expectations such as New Year’s Resolutions.

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Community Spotlight Hope Nartonis Writes Community Spotlight Hope Nartonis Writes

New Year’s Resolutions and How They Aren’t in Alignment with Osteopathy

At All Ages Osteopathy, we believe that to maintain health, we must live in tune with the rhythms of nature. Our energetic frequencies are greatly affected by the available light and the current temperatures. It’s still winter! Here in Jackson Hole, the sun doesn’t rise until nearly 8am and sets just after 5pm so although a lot of media we consume revolves around setting and achieving goals, it’s still the time of year to integrate experiences from 2022 and to prioritize rest in anticipation of spring. While all other living plants and animals enter some form of hibernation during this time of year, society has sought to normalize activity levels being consistent throughout the year with unrealistic expectations such as New Year’s Resolutions.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

A Trip to Las Vegas for the A4M Annual World Conference

As if the holiday season doesn’t bring enough chaos to this time of year, Kate and I added to it by spending three jam-packed days in Las Vegas at the A4M Annual World Conference. It’s the largest functional medicine conference in the world. There were over 4,000 physicians in attendance, and it featured an extensive exhibit hall of wellness products, showing that the future is here. It’s exciting to say the least.

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Wellness Essentials Charlie Echeverria Wellness Essentials Charlie Echeverria

Immune Boosting Kits

Cold and flu season is absolutely insane this year. Last year, we had great success keeping people healthy and/or helping people get better faster with the COVID fighting/ immune boosting kit that Dr. Charlie created. Below is a list of supplements we recommend having on hand in case you come down with something.

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Community Spotlight Guest Author Community Spotlight Guest Author

A Solstice Invitation

The winter solstice, the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere, is nature’s pivotal point to move from the depth of darkness to the reemergence of light. (It is no coincidence that the celebration of the birth of Christ (who represents light) coincides with this holiday.) For those who honor the earth’s true cycles, it represents rebirth. A new beginning. A new year. To engage fully in this initiation is to honor the light and the dark, the space between. To fully empty one’s cup, lie bare, void of external chaos even for a conscious moment, is the space in which light and new life reignite.

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