Our patient testimonials


"I threw my back out while skiing. Afterwards I found walking painful and difficult. Laying down was hardly any relief. I sought Dr. Echeverria's services knowing her background and expertise in Osteopathy. At my visit, she listened thoughtfully to my concerns and helped me look at my injury from all angles. During my treatment, I began a deep awareness. Through her careful touch I gradually let my body relax and let go of what was causing my back to be in such agony. To my surprise, I was able to get up from the table feeling lighter and able to walk without the painful limp and back spasm I came in with! I will forever seek her care, guidance and treatment first before going anywhere else. I cannot recommend her enough!"



"I had a hip injury that required surgery and a long recovery 15 years ago. I occasionally have had flares in pain and loss of function since. I was worried about the pain flaring and limiting my activities going into my first pregnancy. Sure enough, I began to experience problems as my belly grew and the weight shifted. Dr. Echeverria listened to me and my health history carefully, helped to realign my spine and sacrum, and gave me helpful exercises and stretches to stay active and comfortable through the remainder of my pregnancy!"


Get in touch.


"Charlie or Dr. Echeverria if you must. She changed my life. We explore everything from autoimmune disease and dietary needs to the risks of recreational drugs, making babies and differences between American and Euro society. We text. She may be unavailable due to normal things like snowmobiling her toddler over a pass to drop him with the in-law's for the day, or I may catch her holding office hours in their hot tub, in which case she has plenty of time to chat on the phone. She does not hold back referring me to a specialist where her expertise may be limited, and is not some "woo-woo" anti-animal protein voodoo doctor. She does not offer the medical experience I have come to expect growing up in the USA. I also feel the best I have felt in my mind, body and spirit since being a teenager. Thank you for your care. Now will you please convince your husband to ski with me?"



“I started working with Dr. Charlie after a nearly fatal snowmobile accident. She got me back to health within six months. With blood work, supplements, and monthly osteopathic treatments I've honestly never been healthier.”



“I feel healthier than ever thanks to Dr. Charlie! I started my membership at AAO in January 2021 after experiencing long Covid-19 symptoms. She and RN Kate held my hand through the healing process with painless blood tests, profound hands-on treatments, and supportive emotional conversations about my general well-being. I'm so grateful to have the support of Dr. Charlie and RN Kate as I prepare to expand my family. This is the kind of 1-on-1 health support I've always dreamed of!”


Are you a member?

We’d love for you to share your own, personal testimonial and your experience as a patient at All Ages Osteopathy.