More about Osteopathy for the little ones & big kids
Pediatric Osteopathy
Children can greatly benefit from Osteopathic adjustments.
Osteopathy for newborns
Common ailments addressed by Osteopathic manipulation include (but are not limited to):
Poor latch
Sucking difficulties
Birth trauma causes many common pediatric conditions. For example, if an infant experienced any type of trauma during their birth (C-section, vacuum or forceps delivery, baby was in a non-traditional position, etc), their cranial bones may have been squished in an unequal manner. This is significant because the nerves that exit the bones in the skull at these key positions may be compressed; therefore, a nerve on one side might not be firing as well as the other side, leading to complaints such as sucking difficulties.
The nerve that innervates the stomach exits at the base of the skull. If this nerve is compressed on one side from birth trauma, then it could become hyperactive. This might manifest as reflux, excessive spitting up or even colic.
Transitioning to life outside the womb
Sometimes, a simple 15-minute gentle Osteopathic manipulation can make a world of difference in helping babies transition to life outside the womb.
Osteopathy for toddlers, adolescents, and teenagers
When a child has difficulty communicating his/her emotions, he/she often has a tantrum. When a child’s body is aligned, he/she can enjoy less stimulus output from their nervous system. This creates less discomfort that he/she has to communicate with you.
When a child’s body is in better alignment, he/she can focus more on sensory input rather than internal discomfort.
Osteopathy and deeply feeling kids
Osteopathy can help children with autism, sensory processing defects, and learning difficulties.
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