In order to achieve optimal health, it is essential to stay broad in our analysis and action plan.


Guiding principles


We must consider the body as a whole—mind, body, spirit.


The body has self-healing and self-regulating meachanisms.


Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.

The person is a unit of mind, body and spirit.

In order to achieve optimal health, it is essential to stay broad in our analysis and action plan. Focusing on treating a symptom with a medication, or even a supplement, is often too simple of an approach and instead all of the factors that play into our health and wellness need to be considered. For example, diet and exercise are crucial, but just as important are stress, sleep, quality relationships with ourselves and others, community, etc.

Our office visits are typically 2 hours at the first visit and up to 1 hour at follow-up visits. We recognize that this approach takes time to truly get right. 

Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated .

We must consider the body as a whole, because all parts are connected and thus dependent on one another for optimal function.

A key factor for preventing disease and treating illness is to ensure that one’s physical structure is aligned to its greatest potential. In makes great sense to us all that a flat tire can’t be expected to get your car safely down the road with the same amount of gas as a tire with optimal pressure. Therefore, we can’t expect our bodies to perform at their highest potential if they are not in proper alignment.

Maintenance of health is driven by the body’s ability to get oxygen, immune cells, proteins, hormones, etc. to tissues. Like a freeway, there also has to be open roads to allow for a continuous flow of metabolites and toxins that need to be excreted, as well. When a bone is out of place, or fascia is tightly bound, neurovascular bundles can be compressed, and thus block the flow of fluids and electrical impulses that are essential for maintaining our homeostasis. 

Although, COVID-19 has prompted an increase in tele-med, the core of Osteopathy relies on in-person treatments and physical touch to help the healing process. 

The body has self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms. 

We believe that if we optimize the mind, body, spirit connection, as well as a patient’s structure, then the body will undeniably be able to find or maintain a higher level of health. We seek to prevent disease, rather than treat it after the fact.

Dr. Echeverria’s training included allopathic medicine (traditional Western medicine) and will use pharmaceutical and traditional therapies when appropriate. 

Treatment is based on these above principles.

Through considering the patient from a holistic perspective, working to optimize their structure and thus function, and trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal and maintain health, Dr. Echeverria is excited to help you on your health journey. 

Through considering the patient from a holistic perspective, working to optimize their structure and thus function, and trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal and maintain health, Dr. Echeverria is excited to help you on your health journey.

We seek to prevent disease, rather than treat it after the fact.

Let us help you find care that's right for you.