Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Expanding Into Darkness: 1 Year of Grief

My Aunt Sophie, my cousin Kelley and I talked nearly every day for the year prior to Sophie’s passing. We enjoyed rich conversations about the meaning of life, health and what it means to live in tune with the rhythms of nature. The lessons that I took away from these conversations and Aunt Sophie’s passing are vast. But the theme that I would like to convey here is that I truly believe beauty is the meaning of life, and that death, although painfully tragic, can be beautiful too.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Hormones: 3 Easy Lifestyle Adjustments to Improve Your Mood and Libido

Hormones have a powerful influence on a woman’s partner and her family’s lives. Ultimately, hormones affect how that woman shows up in the world. They elude the best doctors, frustrate the smartest women and completely dumbfound the most caring males. Nearly every female patient, friend and acquaintance has some question or concern about their cycle, ie their hormones.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Acute Back Pain: Cause and Solution

All Ages Osteopathy is different from traditional medical care because we provide easy access to your doctor and hands on treatment for physical discomfort. But still, people come in after a week of excruciating pain and tell us, “I didn't come in sooner because I didn’t want to bother you.” However, there is one problem that prompts people to call me outside of business hours…“My back went out! It’s terrible and I don’t know what to do!”

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Spirit and Medicine Series Part 3: The Oneness of All Things

Once you have felt the Oneness, you know it. And once someone feels it, like really connects with it, they are a changed person. I know I was. I describe the sensation of Oneness as ecstatic bliss, hence the All Ages Osteopathy tagline – ride the tide to ecstatic bliss. Another great description is warm honey. It’s addicting. So much so that I have dedicated my career to helping people discover the Oneness for themselves.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Spirit and Medicine Series Part 2: The Body’s Tide

I view my ability to help others as my life’s greatest gift. To work with the body is a true blessing, because to listen to it, yields mystery. Contacting the mystery gives me purpose. And when I become aligned with my purpose, my soul shines. As my soul connects with the oneness that is all around me, my consciousness shifts, to stillness, to something greater.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare

The new paradigm in healthcare is here: patients are in the driver’s seat of their health journey. Are you driving the car? Or is the car driving you?

This winter has been about deep, pensive reflection for me. The 2-year anniversary of All Ages Osteopathy shifted my focus away from setting new goals towards reflection of the remarkable things I’ve learned since starting my practice. As I’ve come in to my own, it’s clear I need to surrender to the wave of teachings from the community. I can’t count the number of times I’ve delved deep into a subject for one patient, only to have the very next patient directly benefit from the knowledge I gleaned. We are all in sync. This teaching proves to me that the new paradigm in healthcare that is slowly but surely sweeping the nation has landed at AAO. Patients want to be in the driver’s seat of their healthy journey, and I encourage them take the wheel.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Biodynamic Osteopathy and the Ocean

Your body is an ocean. Spirit in Medicine Series: Part 1

The type of Osteopathy I practice is called Biodynamic or Functional Osteopathy. In this practice, Doctors of Osteopathy commonly use the ocean as an analogy. Since everything in nature has the same basic patterns - contraction/expansion, hot/cold, light/dark, etc. - the movement of the ocean transfers literally and figuratively to osteopathy, especially describing the concepts of energy moving and working in our bodies. Since most of us understand how the ocean works, and the modern English vocabulary simply doesn’t have the words to describe shifts in energy, the ocean analogy facilitates our understanding about the concepts, patterns, and ideas of healing.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

A Trip to Las Vegas for the A4M Annual World Conference

As if the holiday season doesn’t bring enough chaos to this time of year, Kate and I added to it by spending three jam-packed days in Las Vegas at the A4M Annual World Conference. It’s the largest functional medicine conference in the world. There were over 4,000 physicians in attendance, and it featured an extensive exhibit hall of wellness products, showing that the future is here. It’s exciting to say the least.

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Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria Dr. Charlie's Musings Charlie Echeverria

Riding the Tide into the Dark and Quiet Night of Winter

A concept that has become a cornerstone to my practice is that because we are part of nature, to maintain health, one must live in tune with the rhythms on nature. Humans have designed our lifestyles to be separate from nature in every aspect imaginable. No matter the level of progress -as some like to call it – the foundation of what it means to be a living creature on this planet doesn’t change. Because we are made of energy, our energetic frequencies are greatly affected by the changing in the light and temperature. While all other living plants and animals enter into some form of hibernation during this time of year, society has sought to normalize activity levels being consistent throughout the year.

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