Dr. Charlie’s Favorite Cafe: Healthy Being

An interview with Healthy Being Café and Juicery owner Jessica Vandenbroeke

Jackson Hole has incredible restaurants but all of us at All Ages Osteopathy agree that Healthy Being Café and Juicery is our go to breakfast and lunch spot. Locally sourced and crafted with love, the food and drinks at Healthy Being ‘makes you feel as good as it tastes.’ Plus, their year-round and seasonal offerings are in alignment with the second principle of osteopathy:

The body is able to heal itself.

We sat down with Jessica Vandenbroeke to learn more about what All Ages Osteopathy members need to know about Healthy Being.

Q: How can AAO members start using Healthy Being to optimize their health today?  

A: There are so many ways!  Every person's body has unique health needs and that's the challenge we strive to meet. Healthy Being (HB) is about sourcing the highest quality ingredients, food, beverages and products to meet you where you are on your health journey. For some it will be integrating a healthy lunch or two each week, knowing that our menu is high plant based with plenty of protein options including organic animal protein or plant protein. For others, it will be incorporating a delicious green juice into their daily routine or a smoothie for breakfast. For some it will be inviting a friend in for Sunday brunch to deeply connect over a delicious, nourishing meal. And for others it will look like taking a break from unhealthy eating patterns to embark on a more committed clean eating journey via our cleanse/detox packages. We also offer a wellbeing market loaded with health inspired, high quality supplements, snacks, foods, books and gifts.

Q: What are a few ways you suggest people build healthy routines and rituals in their existing diets?  

A: Choose quality and make it fun! Engage with the sources of your food and the process of preparing it and share it with friends and family. Experiment and try to vary your foods. Find friends who enjoy food and create rituals that makes meals feel special.

Q: Healthy Being promotes food that makes you feel as good as it tastes. Where do you source your ingredients from?

A: We source as much local produce as possible when the seasons allow.  

We partner with the following farms:

  • Haderlie 

  • Canewater

    Huidekoper Ranch

  • Wasatch Organics

    Winter Winds

  • Satchitananda Ranch

Q: With the change in seasons upon us, how do you and your menu live seasonally and in tune with nature? 

A: In our home we have just harvested the last of our carrots and kale from the garden. We are switching our vibrant fresh greens consumption to more cooked soups, stews and warming foods. We use warming spices to embrace the season that is upon us. We eat pretty simply in the summer. I find that the cooler season and shorter days brings a renewed excitement for spending time in the kitchen, instead of the garden. At HB we are in the process of testing new soup recipes so we can offer more warming foods.

Q: When is cleansing and detoxing appropriate? When should AAO members consider reaching out to you for a cleanse/detox program? 

A: Cleaning/detoxing can be appropriate when you feel like you've been on a path of overindulgence and need a mental and/or physical reset, in certain types of illness recovery or to prepare for something important coming up in your life, etc... We have full meal clean eating programs as well as juice fasts and everything in between. 

Q: What do AAO and Healthy Being have in common?

A: Healthy Being was designed to be a tool for optimizing and inspiring the health of our community and building long lasting, trusted relationships with our guests. Our philosophies are very aligned and creating synergistic partnerships is how we will continue to build a model of health that truly supports our community.

Q: What is one menu item you recommend for AAO members this fall?

A: I automatically go to our warming scratch made soups or our breakfast burrito

Want to know more? Visit the Healthy Being website here.

Membership perk!

We're so excited to for the newest AAO Membership Perk! We partnered with Healthy Being to offer you a $25 gift card to use during your birthday month. At the beginning of your birthday month, you’ll receive an email with instructions for how to use. Enjoy!

Dr. Charlie’s favorite immune boosting products at HB:

  • Ginger Wellness Shot: lemon, ginger, turmeric and cayenne.

  • Host Defense Mushrooms MyCommunity Comprehensive Immunity Support 


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