Enter the Inner Wild this October at Cascade

A soulful weekend of heart activation at the Bar J Event Center in Wilson WY October 20-22.

Quench your thirst this October at CASCADE. 

AAO Members get a special discount of 35% off tickets by using the code AAO35.  

Cascade is a gathering to activate the heart and heal the divide with world class musicianship, visionary healers, best selling authors, embodied practitioners, and evocative conversation. This gathering is for those who are thirsting for a heart-led future that our hearts know is possible. This is your invitation to a multi-generational co-ed playful experience with soulful music, heart expansion, and sanctuary for the soul in one of the most beautiful and activating places on Earth.

Globally renowned singer Elijah Ray is headlining the event, an indomitable presence of love, light and joy on stage -- playing his new album ComePassion live for the first time ever. This will be a journey through the heart, dripping with lush vocals, symphonic shamanic awareness, and pop-infused, world beat sensibility.  

Saturday night the band will get back together in an all star set of music with dancing, entertainment and elixirs! Stay tuned to our newsletter as we reveal some of the amazing musicians who will be joining us for Saturday evening.

CASCADE was born of a dream to create more connection: to our own hearts, to each other, to the land beneath our feet and to the heavens above. With speakers joining us from across the country – Cascade is a beautifully diverse array of wisdom and tools for a more expanded, conscious and healthy life.

  • Discover the indomitable power of self-love with Peruvian shaman Elena Radford.

  • Listen to never-heard-before wisdom of Ascended Master Saint Germain with spiritual channel and appointed messenger Mary Raymakers.

  • Experience the healing power of the Quantum Energy Wellness bed that will be on site for the weekend from Void Space Technologies. 

  • Explore the archetypes of our inner Warrior vs. Fighter with Adam Ticknor.

  • In a diverse array of movement classes offered throughout the weekend, let your wildness out in ecstatic dance with DJ LOVEAMPLIFIED, channel your warrior in an all ages Jiu Jitsu class, or get in the flow with a yoga class for clarifying intuition with yogi Deidre Norman.

  • Tune into a health panel with Dr. Charlie Echeverria, regenerative farmer Alexander Feher and biological dentist, Dr. Christian Hahn, called “Macro to Micro, the Keys to Human Health.”

  • Experience a parting of masculine and feminine for a deep dive, culminating with a forum discussion on balance called, “Getting to the Garden”.

Check out the scheduleline up, and learn all about the event here.

Buy tickets here. AAO Members get a special discount of 35% off tickets by using the code AAO35.  

A note about the author:

Sita is a mystic who uses the physical realm of water to reach inner and outer dimensions. She coaches women and men through spiritual growth, produces events, and shares about all of it in her podcast (Stories of Water). Check out more about her work at www.storiesofwater.life.

Want to read more of Sita’s writing? Read this: Returning to the Spirit of Water to Reduce Stress


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