A Trip to Las Vegas for the A4M Annual World Conference
As if the holiday season doesn’t bring enough chaos to this time of year, Kate and I added to it by spending three jam-packed days in Las Vegas at the A4M Annual World Conference. It’s the largest functional medicine conference in the world. There were over 4,000 physicians in attendance, and it featured an extensive exhibit hall of wellness products, showing that the future is here. It’s exciting to say the least.
Immune Boosting Kits
Cold and flu season is absolutely insane this year. Last year, we had great success keeping people healthy and/or helping people get better faster with the COVID fighting/ immune boosting kit that Dr. Charlie created. Below is a list of supplements we recommend having on hand in case you come down with something.
A Solstice Invitation
The winter solstice, the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere, is nature’s pivotal point to move from the depth of darkness to the reemergence of light. (It is no coincidence that the celebration of the birth of Christ (who represents light) coincides with this holiday.) For those who honor the earth’s true cycles, it represents rebirth. A new beginning. A new year. To engage fully in this initiation is to honor the light and the dark, the space between. To fully empty one’s cup, lie bare, void of external chaos even for a conscious moment, is the space in which light and new life reignite.
Riding the Tide into the Dark and Quiet Night of Winter
A concept that has become a cornerstone to my practice is that because we are part of nature, to maintain health, one must live in tune with the rhythms on nature. Humans have designed our lifestyles to be separate from nature in every aspect imaginable. No matter the level of progress -as some like to call it – the foundation of what it means to be a living creature on this planet doesn’t change. Because we are made of energy, our energetic frequencies are greatly affected by the changing in the light and temperature. While all other living plants and animals enter into some form of hibernation during this time of year, society has sought to normalize activity levels being consistent throughout the year.
Products We Love: Berkey Water Filters
This is why, at All Ages Osteopathy, we suggest filtering your water. There are a ton of water filters out there, and the science of water filtration gets pretty nuanced, We like, and both personally use, a Berkey Water Filter.
Inflation, Recession, War, Russia, China, Politics, Crypto Currencies and Your Financial Well Being
“But in all seriousness, our financial health plays a pivotal role in our general health since it contributes greatly to our overall sense of wellbeing. It’s not just about working harder to get ahead, but instead creating a plan that is sustainable over time, hoping to minimize stress and increase one’s time, either now or later in life, to be able to spend it how they find joy and connection. “
The Symphony of the Body and the Sweet Sounds of the Heart
When we practice gratitude this holiday season, specifically Thanksgiving, instead of thinking about what you are grateful, try and feel it with your heart and see if there is a different quality to the emotions or sensations appreciated in your body.
Feminine and Masculine: Finding the Balance
As the busy summer slows into a slightly less busy fall, the workforce of Jackson yearns for a break. Whether this is a trip to the desert, the beach, or maybe it’s a staycation to catch up on projects, we all need to rest.
Farm to Fork Festival
Over the last few years, I’ve had the intention of getting involved with Slow Food in the Tetons, or at the very least, shopping at their Thursday Farm Stand, but life got in the way…
An Essay About Our Trip to the Red Desert with John Mioncyzski by Heather Matthews
Red Desert Trip with John and American Wilderness Botanicals by Heather Matthews
The Contraction and Expansion of Grief
The Contraction and Expansion of Grief: Lessons From Dying Without Fear
Your Life Force, Nature and Nutrition
Why it’s important to spend time in nature and eat local.