All Ages Osteopathy

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A Solstice Invitation

Surrender to the stillness.

Embrace the darkness of the night.

Allow the silence to awaken,

Your bare essence, your insight.

As you cross the threshold of dark and light,

Welcome the full release, the empty zone.

Here lies the portal of rebirth...

An eternal cycle,

Essential and true.

Surrender to the essence, 

Inherent in you.

The winter solstice, the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere, is nature’s pivotal point to move from the depth of darkness to the reemergence of light. (It is no coincidence that the celebration of the birth of Christ (who represents light) coincides with this holiday.) For those who honor the earth’s true cycles, it represents rebirth. A new beginning. A new year. To engage fully in this initiation is to honor the light and the dark, the space between. To fully empty one’s cup, lie bare, void of external chaos even for a conscious moment, is the space in which light and new life reignite.

The Invitation:

  • Take time to breathe. Pay attention to the space between the exhale and the inhale. This is the emptiness, the pivot point. Rebirth is available with every breath.

  • Sit in stillness. Feel into the fullness of this past year, its seasons, your stories. Then let go and surrender in full presence to this moment.

  • Light a candle as a symbol. Create any ritual you align with to honor this new beginning. Celebrate the potential and possibilities when you live in alignment with nature’s cycles.

Blessings to you ALL as we continue to reawaken and remember our connection to All that Is and how powerful we truly are. Wishing you a peaceful Winter Solstice.

In Gratitude, Joy, Love, and Grace,
Daniela Botur
(646) 853-3056

A note from Dr. Charlie about Daniela Botur and her offerings:

Daniela is the true embodiment of the feminine and the mother. She is a dear friend and soul sister. She is a masterful host and always makes one feel loved and supported. Sitting at the base of Jackson Peak, her land is truly magical. The last time I visited, her field was full of elk. Driving through meant coming within feet of hundreds of them. She was my inspiration to get a tipi and she was also the one who ultimately made it happen for me (see mine lit up with green Christmas lights in previous picture). She has a gorgeous new studio, so she is now able to hold sound bowl ceremonies in a cozier fashion in the winter (see her bundled up this exact time last year in her tipi). I highly recommend booking a session for you and your loved ones (great for a girl’s night, baby showers, birthdays, solstices and equinoxes, and times of major transition in life).

Sandy Hessler and Daniela are hosting a retreat called the Heroine’s Journey in Tepoztlan, Mexico from February 26th to March 4rd, 2023. It will be focused on community-based connection and remembrance of our unity to All of life and its cycles.

Sandy Hessler’s website

Daniela Botur’s website