All Ages Osteopathy

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Finally! An Effective Tool for Preventing and Treating Traveler’s Diarrhea

This past April, my family went to Mexico for spring break. We desperately needed Vitamin D and Sea. It was my 3-year-old son’s first trip to Mexico and although there was plenty to worry about when taking a toddler on vacation, I was most worried about one of us getting a stomach bug.

I travel prepared and brought MegaIgG2000 with us

to support our bellies through this adventure.

There were 9 people on the trip and 3 children under the age of 3. Sayulita is sort of known for food born and water born illness so most of us did get some type of stomach bug while there. Every time someone got sick, I gave them the MegaIgG2000 and they felt better relatively quickly. It is impossible to know how long it would have taken someone to heal without the intervention, but everyone’s upset stomach seemed to resolve quicker and easier than in my past experiences.

What makes MegaIgG2000 so special?

It has the active ingredient of immunoglobulins.

Immunoglobulins are the immune systems super proteins. They bind and neutralize bacteria, viruses and toxins making them less harmful to the body.

Another reason why I like MegaIgG2000 is that it comes in both a capsule form and a pill form. I brought the powder with us to Mexico because it’s the easiest to administer to a toddler. For the children, I put the dose they needed into their water bottles and let them drink it as they wanted throughout the day. It is safe for all ages, but it’s important to consult a physician for the recommended amount when giving to someone below the age of 3.

Have you ever felt unusually tired and out of it after a meal?

This phenomenon is explained by something called LPS endotoxemia. It is a medical term for when ‘bad bacteria’ in the gut is activated after receiving food and releases a toxin called LPS that then, in the setting of leaky gut, gets into the blood stream and into our brains. Immunoglobulins can neutralize the LPS, which not only abates our symptoms but keeps us healthier by not letting the LPS wreak havoc (inflammation) in our bodies.

Colostrum is another supplement that works the same way as MegaIgG2000, because colostrum is packed full of immunoglobulins. However, if you are sensitive to dairy products, colostrum isn’t the best fit. MegaIgG2000 is completely dairy free (including all its protein derivatives).

These are other specific conditions that can benefit from taking MegalgG2000 regularly:

  • Lyme disease - it binds toxins implicated in Herxheimer reactions.

  • MCAS syndrome - it helps with histamine imbalance.

  • Food sensitivities

  • Autoimmune disorders or generalized inflammation

  • SIBO, IBS and IBD

  • Heavy metal toxicity – it binds to harmful toxins in the environment.

If MegaIgG2000 will benefit you or a family member, order some today through the All Ages Osteopathy Fullscripts store.

If you haven’t yet, sign up for your Fullscripts account through Dr. Charlie’s dispensary for discounts and free shipping on supplements!

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